P.I.C.K. is now accepting registrations for banjo, fiddle and guitar classes for students grades 3rd - 5th. Scholarships are available.
P.I.C.K.’s mission is to provide a learning platform that gives our young students a canvas to grow through the historical banjo, fiddle and guitar instruments that have told our county's history for several generations. Our vision is to foster the next generation of Piedmont musicians, in an effort to build on Rockingham County's strong musical heritage and culture.
Access the online registration form at: https://airtable.com/shri9TcKytm2ZD6pF
If you need assistance registering online, please contact Louise Price, Director, at (336) 253-9744.
Registration for the P.I.C.K. is first come, first serve. Returning P.I.C.K. students are given priority.
Classes will be held weekly in person at Leaksville United Methodist Church on Jay Street in Eden. Classes will be held after school.
Students will be expected to attend classes and practice in between classes. Instruments will be loaned to students who do not have their own and must be returned at the end of the P.I.C.K. year. Parents and/or guardians will be responsible for replacing lost, stolen or damaged instruments (up to $200).
P.I.C.K. is a partnership between Piedmont Folk Legacies and Rockingham County Education Foundation with support from Reidsville Area Foundation, Rockingham County Arts Council, and Sheetz.